Nominating an assessment committee
Approximately 2 months before submitting your PhD thesis, you and your principal supervisor must nominate a committee to assess your thesis and PhD defence. You have to follow the link below to nominate the members.
You must complete all elements of the PhD programme before you can nominate the members. View “Requirements for finishing the PhD programme” below for more information.
- The principal supervisor and the PhD student are responsible for nominating members of the assessment committee
- Nominations must be submitted to the Graduate School via the task “Appointment of assessment committee” in PhD Planner approximately 2 months before the thesis is submitted
- The nominees must consent to be on the committee before the form is submitted
- The Graduate School submits the names of the nominees to the PhD Study Board and the Dean’s Office for approval
- The Graduate School informs all members of the assessment committee, the PhD student, and the principal supervisor when the committee is officially appointed.
The PhD student is not permitted to have contact with members of the assessment committee from the start of the assessment period until the assessment has been sent to the principal supervisor and the PhD student.
- A chairperson, who must be employed by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences as an associate professor, senior researcher, professor, clinical associate professor or clinical professor
- A representative from a Danish research institution (must not be employed at the University of Copenhagen)
- A representative from a research institution abroad, representing international research.
At least one of the two external members must be employed in the relevant subject area at a university.
One of the external members may be emeritus/emerita if they are still active researchers. The use of emeriti in the assessment committee must be reasoned in the form concerning the nomination of the assessment committee, and a CV and publications list must be forwarded. The academic level, employment and affiliation is considered at the time of appointment of the assessment committee.
Every effort should be made to ensure that both genders are represented on the assessment committee
Rules applicable to all members of the committee
- All members must be at an academic level corresponding to associate professor or higher in the relevant subject area. Senior researchers employed at Danish universities and the government research institutions are considered to be at associate professor level. If the nominated candidate for the assessment committee is not employed as an associate professor or professor at a university, the CV and full list of publications of the relevant assessor must be submitted in the form "Appointment of assessment committee". If the assessor is employed as a “senior researcher” at a Danish university or Danish government research institution, no CV is necessary.
- None of the suggested members must have published articles together with the PhD student nor worked on manuscripts together
- There must be no conflicts of interest between the members of the assessment committee and the PhD student or the principal supervisor, which could influence the assessment
- None of the PhD student’s supervisors can be members of the assessment committee
Requirements for the Industrial PhD Assessment Committee:
- PhD students funded by the Industrial PhD scheme (industrial PhD students) must have at least one assessment committee member with relevant research experience from company employment or consultancy in the field (see section 27 of the PhD Order). This member must not be employed by the same company as the PhD student.
- Collaboration with companies in the industry, without employment or a consulting role, does not suffice to meet the above-mentioned requirement.
Guidelines for PhD students in identifying a suitable industry representative:
- It is important that the candidate’s primary work in the company was or is in research, or that their position was or is closely associated with research activities.
- General assessment criteria, such as recent publications and years of relevant experience in the field, will also be considered. However, since scientists in the industry often do not publish their results, these criteria will be evaluated accordingly.
- For an Industrial PhD in collaboration with a public institution or company: It is acceptable for the industry assessor to have working experience from a public sector company or institution.
- For an Industrial PhD in collaboration with a private company: Ideally, the industry assessor should have working experience in the private sector. If it is not possible to find an assessor with private sector experience, an assessor with a background in the public sector may be considered.
Before you submit your PhD thesis, you have to complete all the elements of the PhD programme. You must:
- Carry out independent research work under supervision (the PhD project).
- Complete three regular assessments during the three-year PhD programme.
- Complete PhD courses or similar study elements totalling at least 28 ECTS, including any mandatory courses.
The course Responsible Conduct of Research 1 is mandatory for all PhD students at the Graduate School. For PhD students enrolled after 1 August 2020 the course Responsible Conduct of Research 2 is also mandatory. - Complete a change of research environment according to applicable rules.
- Gain experience of teaching activities or other form of knowledge dissemination related to your PhD project.
The work of the assessment committee
The assessment committee for a PhD student consists of three members. The principal supervisor and the PhD student is responsible for nominating the members of the assessment committee.
- The assessment committee has two months to reach a conclusion on whether the PhD thesis can be recommended for public defence
- The principal supervisor must be available for questions during the assessment committee’s work
- The PhD student is not permitted to have any contact with the assessment committee from the start of the assessment process until the assessment has been sent to the principal supervisor and the PhD student
- The principal supervisor must read and if relevant comment on the assessment before it is sent to the Graduate School
- The chairperson signs the assessment on behalf of the assessment committee and submits the assessment by email to the Graduate School. The assessment must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the expected defence. Otherwise it might delay the further planning of the defence.
- The Graduate School will send the assessment to the PhD student and the principal supervisor.
- If the thesis is not recommended for defence, the Graduate School will facilitate the next step in the process
- The members of the assessment committee must be present during the PhD defence to examine the PhD student and facilitate an academic discussion based on the thesis and the PhD student's presentation.
The PhD defence is a formal academic event, marking the awarding of one of the highest academic qualifications in Denmark. The Graduate School encourages that the defence is conducted in a professional and respectful atmosphere, where presentations by the student and the following discussion with assessors are delivered in a manner that upholds the dignity of the occasion in front of the audience. The defence venue should be equipped with appropriate audiovisual facilities to support the presentations.
- After the defence the assessment committee makes the final recommendation as to whether the PhD student should be awarded the PhD degree. All three members must sign the signature form and the chairperson submits the form to the Graduate School.
Last updated: March 2024
Assessment fee
The standard assessment fee is 8142.56 DKK which corresponds to 16 hours of work. Please note, that the chairperson does not receive an assessment fee as he or she is employed by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Assessment of a revised thesis does not carry an additional assessment fee.
Booking travel and accommodation
Please book your flights and hotel as soon as the thesis has been approved for defence by the Graduate School. If you need help making hotel reservations, please contact the Graduate School at or call us at (+45) 35 32 65 70.
Travel and accommodation expenses
Reimbursable travel expenses include airfares, accommodation, ground transportation, travel in a private vehicle, meals, and small necessities. Please note, only receipts detailing the purchase are accepted as evidence of payment. Bank statements, credit card receipts, and order confirmations do not qualify as receipts for these expenses. In case of screen dumps please be aware that the amount must appear.
The Graduate School will only reimburse you for economy class airfares. If economy class is not available for a specific flight, an amount corresponding to the cost of an economy class ticket will be reimbursed. Please remember to save your boarding pass and attach it together with the receipt when you fill in the “Assessment fee and reimbursement of expenses” form.
Ground transportation
The Graduate School will reimburse you for transportation expenses from the airport or train station to the hotel, and from the hotel back to the airport or train station. The cheapest possible means of transportation should be used. The reimbursement rate for transport in a private vehicle is DKK 2.23 per km.
Incidental transportation and other expenses
If you are staying in Denmark for more than 24 hours, the Graduate School will offer you a daily allowance (per diem) of 597 DKK to cover all local transportation expenses during your stay (e.g. to and from the hotel for the thesis defence) and other expenses, e.g. meals and transport. If your trip lasts less than 24 hours, you may claim reimbursement of your incidental transportation and other expenses separately.
The maximum reimbursable amount for hotel accommodation is DKK 1,844 per night. For travels within Europe, the maximum reimbursable stay is one night. For travels outside Europe, the maximum reimbursable stay is two to three nights. The Graduate School cannot reimburse you for hotel expenses unless you provide an invoice directed to ‘KU-Blegdamsvej 3B’. Please ask at the hotel reception for the final invoice when checking.
Private accommodation
If you are accommodated in a private house (with family or friends) during your stay, the Graduate School offers you a small allowance amounting to approximately DKK 255 per night.
How to claim reimbursement of expenses
Before the PhD defence takes place, the Graduate School will send you a link to the form that you need to complete for your assessment fee to be paid and expenses reimbursed. If expenses have been paid directly by your employer, please ask your workplace to send an invoice (a PDF file) to The invoice(s) must be marked:
University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B
Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences DK-2200 Copenhagen
VAT: DK29979812
Lunch or dinner for the assessment committee
The Graduate School pays for one lunch or dinner for the assessment committee and the principal supervisor and primary co-supervisor.
To be reimbursed for the lunch or dinner, please contact the Graduate School.
Please contact the Graduate School at or on (+45) 35 32 65 70.