Screening for duplicate text in PhD theses

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences screens all PhD theses for duplicate text immediately after submission and prior to forwarding to the assessment committee. If no duplicate text is identified, the screening takes a maximum of seven days. The Royal Library conducts the screening using the detection software iThenticate. 

Pre-screening of the thesis

It is possible for PhD students to pre-screen their thesis before submission by participating in the course “Responsible Conduct of Research 2: Getting Ready for Submission of Manuscripts and Thesis”. The course is mandatory for all PhD students enrolled on 1 August 2020 or later. 




As per 1 July 2017, PhD theses are covered by the Danish Act on Research Misconduct. PhD students are responsible for the content of their thesis. The principal supervisor is expected to advise the PhD student on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). Information about RCR at the faculty is available on the SUND website. 

For questions on text duplication, please speak to your principal supervisor. For additional guidance, contact the Graduate School.

Danish Act on Research Misconduct (in Danish).





When plagiarism is suspected in a PhD thesis, the University of Copenhagen Practice Committee and the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct investigate the scope and nature of the duplicate text.

The Danish Committee on Research Misconduct assesses whether research misconduct has occurred. The decision from the Committee is forwarded to the Dean’s office for the relevant steps to be taken on the matter.


In most cases of suspected self-plagiarism, the PhD student and their principal supervisor are summoned for a meeting at the Graduate School to discuss revisions of the thesis before it is submitted for assessment. The Practice Committee may also investigate the matter.









Overview of the screening process

 - Click to enlarge the picture

Overview of the screening process. Please contact the graduate school at if you need a PDF describing the process.