Guide to complete the budget for PhD courses

Please read this before you complete the budget.

Calculation of ECTS credits for a course
When you enter the course hours, the budget form provides you with an interim calculation of the number of ECTS credits.
Please note that the number is an estimate that can be changed as your course proposal is processed.
The course must be of at least 0.5 ECTS/minimum 5 hours of teaching in order to be reviewed.

Number of participants
A minimum of 12 participants is a requirement. It is important that you make a realistic assessment of how many PhD students will sign up for the course. The course will be cancelled if less than 80 per cent of the budgeted number of participants have signed up. The Graduate School can waive this rule, but only by special agreement.

Course hours and additional hours
Course hours: Course hours include exercise hours, exams and breaks. 1 course hour also includes 1.5 hours of preparation. This means that 1 course hour corresponds to 2,5 working hours when calculating ECTS.

Additional hours: Additional hours are only for course work that exceeds the 1.5 hours of preparation per course hour. If additional hours are added to the budget template, you must specify in the budget template and the course description, which additional course work is expected of the student. 1 additional hour corresponds to 1 working hour when calculating ECTS.
1 ECTS credit equals 25 work hours.

Remuneration for faculty teachers

  • Teaching hours are remunerated as 6 hours per teaching hour.
  • Exercise hours are remunerated as 2.5 hours per exercise hour.

Remuneration for external teachers

  • Teaching hours are remunerated as 3.5 hours per teaching hour.
  • Exercise hours are remunerated as 2.5 hours per exercise hour.

Remuneration for teaching assistants

  • Hours are remunerated as 2.5 hours per hour.

Course manager fee
The Graduate School provides course manager remuneration for the total number of course hours as a maximum. The course manager fee is remunerated as 1 hour per course hour.

Registered PhD students who teach
The Graduate School does not provide remuneration to registered PhD students teaching the course.

Remuneration to technical and administrative staff for laboratory exercises
The Graduate School will reimburse in accordance with the formula:

Remuneration (calculated automatically)
Number of exercise hours x number of students

Remuneration to technical and administrative staff for course administration
The Graduate School will reimburse in accordance with the formula:

Remuneration (calculated automatically)
(10 hours) + (students x ¼) + (course hours x ½)

Operating expenses
The Graduate School provides support for expenses for operating materials (e.g. chemicals, teaching materials, classroom and apparatus expenses).

Refreshments for course participants
The Graduate School grants financial support for refreshments at a maximum of DKK 120 per day per course participant/teacher. One day is approximately 7 hours.

Dinner for external teachers
The Graduate School grants maximum one dinner per external teacher and course manager for courses lasting one week or less, at a maximum of DKK 900 per person. The expenses must comply with the charge level of representation of the University of Copenhagen (link to KUnet).

Travel and accommodation expenses
External teachers from outside Copenhagen may receive financial support for travel and accommodation in accordance with the Travel rules and regulations University of Copenhagen (link to KUnet).

Accommodation for external teachers: Only one night if teaching three hours or less, except teachers from overseas.

Maximum price per ECTS
The budget for a course may not exceed:
• DKK 2,800 per ECTS produced for ”wet” courses (laboratory courses)
• DKK 2,300 per ECTS produced for ”dry” courses (classroom courses)