Defence and certificate

As a PhD student you can choose between three different types of oral PhD defences:

For all three types of defence, the PhD student must fill in the form "Information regarding the PhD defence and the PhD certificate" at least 3 weeks before the defence.

The principal supervisor is responsible for planning the defence, including booking a venue or assisting with setting up a digital meeting room if relevant.

For venues at Panum please contact 










The Graduate School encourages the common praxis of inviting the assessment committee and the supervisors out for a dinner or lunch. The arrangements must be made in accordance with the university’s rules regarding entertainment expenses. This is usually the responsibility of the principal supervisor.

Here are the guidelines:

  • The Graduate School reimburses the costs for one lunch or dinner for the assessment committee, the principal supervisor and primary co-supervisor (this does not include the PhD student).
  • If you wish to apply for a reimbursement, please make sure to get a receipt for the expenses and email the receipt to the Graduate School along with a list of participants.
  • The Graduate School does not reimburse a reception.