Satisfactory regular assessment
If the PhD student is following the PhD plan, the regular assessment should be considered satisfactory by the principal supervisor.
The principal supervisor should take the following points into consideration before deciding if the regular assessment can or cannot be approved as satisfactory:
- Is the PhD student following the PhD plan?
- Consider the PhD student’s overall progress in developing professional skills relevant to the field.
- Has the PhD student an acceptable understanding of the research field in general?
- Consider if the PhD student can explain the project's background, research purpose, and hypotheses in a satisfactory manner.
- Is the Phd student able to present, interpret, and discuss the results generated in the project in a satisfactory manner?
- Is the PhD student able to account for changes made to the project plan and follow a realistic timetable for the next project period?
- Consider if there are any additional training or courses needed to enhance the PhD student’s research capabilities.
- Consider plans for publication in peer-reviewed journals, conference papers, or presentations at academic conferences.
- Consider plans for a change of environment that could enrich the PhD student’s work by offering opportunities for collaboration with leading experts, research groups, or institutions.
Important: Collaborations can provide new insights, methodologies, and networks that are beneficial for the research and the student’s professional development.
In case of a satisfactory assessment the principal supervisor can provide written feedback on issues discussed at the assessment meeting that require attention in the next period of the project.
If the supervisor provides a comment, it will be saved in the system and will automatically be sent to the PhD student. The Graduate School does not do anything further, as this is still considered a satisfactory assessment.