How to find a project and a supervisor

Your principal supervisor must be employed at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. You can try to establish contact with potential supervisors, through research networks (e.g. at your home university/conferences), or you can contact relevant researchers directly.

Unfortunately, the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences cannot help you establish contact or provide contact information about principal supervisors.

Read more about the requirements for supervisors.

Have a look at the various departments and centres of the Faculty, their research and staff

Contact the department/laboratory/place of work where you wish to study. Talk to a supervisor and discuss your interests in the research. Sometimes your supervisor already has a project and access to funding that can support you, but it is also common to apply for an advertised PhD position in collaboration with your supervisor.

Link to departments and centres at the Faculty.

Look at the graduate programmes and contact the supervisors

You may also contact the head of a graduate programme. The graduate programmes are specialised research communities that offer courses and seminars. They are headed by a specialist within a specific field. All PhD students are enrolled in a graduate programme.

Link to graduate programmes.

Ask the PhD coordinators

The Graduate School has PhD coordinators who can help you with questions regarding the research environments, life as a PhD student at the Faculty and how to get started on your PhD. They act as advisors on subjects that are not related to the scientific content of your PhD.

Link to PhD coordinators.