Newly enrolled at our Graduate Programme?

Welcome to Retsmedicinsk Institut og Odontologi  (RIO)  also named the Graduate Programme for Oral Sciences, Forensic Medicine and Bioanthropology.

We encourage all PhD members to participate in our joint activities to build a broad, interactive network and education, be inspired and learn from each other.

Regular meetings in RIO:

The PhD students have regular meetings every first Tuesday of the month. Other than eating cake together and having a chat across departments, the PhD students – in turns – share a presentation or a discussion topic. This can be a presentation about their project or subproject, but any interesting and relevant topic is welcome. Prior topics have been about PhD courses, writing articles and good work habits. The event is a great opportunity to get to know other PhD students, share experiences and hear what is going on in the other departments.

We have at least 2 yearly joint meetings for PhD students and their supervisors:

The Spring Meeting is typically held in the afternoon in March. The topic of the meeting is selected among suggestions made by you and your fellow PhD students to the RIO Programme’s Steering Committee.

The Off campus Meeting is typically a 2-day event in the autumn (week 40) including an overnight stay. The purpose of the residential meeting is to give the PhD students the opportunity to fully focus on the chosen topics without everyday interruptions, to socialize and to network. Typically, the supervisors participate in part of the meeting, while part is exclusive for you and your fellow peers. Reserve week 40 in the calendar every year for this inspiring educational and social meeting.

Other pop-up joint meetings occur every year depending on the needs and initiatives taken by the PhD students in our Programme.

Local meetings:

The different departments and groups/sections have regular Research meetings locally. Ask your supervisor or PhD-buddy about these.

Notice, when you are enrolled, please make sure that you:

  • Are included in your department’s PhD-group mailing list.
  • Fill out the mini-presentation form that is sent to you along with the welcome letter. Return it to your PhD-coordinator.
  • Join the monthly PhD meetings (every time, of course 😊)
  • Have access to the KU-virtual room “PhD lunch” by contacting the group administrator, There the mini-presentations of your fellows are stored.