Basic metabolic research

Basic Metabolic Research (BMR) graduate program

The graduate programme is relevant for PhD students working in the area of: Metabolism, Diabetes, Obesity, and related basic research in physiology, cell biology, molecular biology, omics etc.

Head of Graduate Programme: Professor Torben Hansen (

PhD coordinator: Tune H. Pers (

Administrative contact: Lise Ryborg (

Steering committee: Head of graduate program Torben Hansen and 3-5 PhD students from the BMR graduate program

Department: Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research

About the graduate programme

The Basic Metabolic Research programme is an educational programme for PhD students working in the field of metabolic research. The aim of this programme is to increase the quality of the PhD and to facilitate interactions between PhD students.

Our graduate programme encompasses all aspects of normal and disordered metabolism including, but not restricted to, diabetes, obesity, growth, bone metabolism and all omics research, physiology, cell biology, clinical and epidemiological research related hereto. BMR is collaborating with the Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA). DDA arranges a wide range of PhD course, workshops, and events during the year. We strongly urge all PhD students in this graduate program to sign up as a DDA member (free of charge).

The BMR graduate program does not have any obligatory PhD courses (excluding the course in responsible conduct of research). However, we do expect that you obtain 10 ECTS points offered by the DDA including Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism and the course on Basal Metabolism.

For information about DDA events please see here:

 Our activities include 3-4 yearly events arranged by the PhD student representatives of the PhD steering committee. This can include courses on writing, presentation technique etc. 

A few examples of research areas within Basic Metabolic Research

  • Regulation of secretion of gut hormone and their role in disease development and treatment
  • Insulin sensitivity including the role of physical activity
  • Brown adipose tissue physiology
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases
  • Hormonal regulation of bone remodeling and metabolism
  • Beta cell function and regulation
  • Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Microbiota in metabolic diseases
  • Lifestyle interventions in diabetes and obesity

Join Basic Metabolic Research

  • BMR is open for PhD students working within the field of “Basic Metabolic Research”
  • Send an e-mail with your request and project description to Head of the graduate programme