Credit transfer student

Being a credit transfer student means that you are enrolled on one or more courses and examinations of a different programme as part of your own programme, for example, as electives. You also have the option to carry out your bachelor’s project or your master’s project on some of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences' programmes.

Talk to the Student and Career Guidance for your programme about the specific regulations and options for taking courses and examinations on other programmes.


When applying as a credit student at a faculty at UCPH, you must make sure that you meet the general admission requirements for credit students and the specific admission requirements for the courses you want to register for.

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences does not accept credit transfer students on 1st year mandatory courses at the following study programmes:

  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary medicine

General admission requirements for credit students

If you want to register for courses at bachelor level, you must meet the admission requirements for the degree programme offering the courses. See admission requirements for the individual bachelor’s degree programmes at UCPH. Choose the degree programme offering the course and click on ‘Admission requirements and admission’. Grade requirements do not apply to credit students.

Please note that bachelor’s students will not be accepted to master’s courses. Even if the students own study board has preapproved the course for credit transfer.

Specific admission requirements for credit students

When you register for a course as a credit student, there may be course-specific admission requirements you must meet to register. If such course-specific requirements are specified, you will find them in the course description under 'Formal requirements'.

In addition to the formal requirements, it is important that you check the course description for any academic expectations that may be specified for you to actively participate in and complete the course. If such academic expectations are specified, you will find them under ‘Recommended academic qualifications’.

If the course description does not have sections titled 'Formal requirements' or 'Recommended academic qualifications', it means that no requirements are specified for the course.

You can find course descriptions in the course catalogue.



You can find all of the courses, bachelor’s projects, and master’s thesis offered in the University of Copenhagen’s course catalogue. The individual course descriptions indicate whether or not you can take a course as a credit transfer student. 

As inspiration and an opportunity to get an overview of the courses offered, please take a look in the study programmes' curricula.

In particular for master’s projects, you should read the applicable curriculum section on master’s thesis.



To enroll as a credit student, the must be vacant places in the course(s) for which you want to register.

Some courses have a limited number of places, while others offer a better chance of getting a place.

As a credit student, you will be allocated any available place after the allocation of places to the course’s primary target group (for instance, students for whom the course is mandatory or who are part of the faculty's educational collaboration).

When you apply for a course with vacant places, the places for credit students will be allocated by draw if the number of applicants exceeds the number of vacancies.

If you are not allocated a place

If your application is rejected, for instance if there are insufficient places, you may apply for a new course. The application will be assessed right before study start.



If you wish to register as a credit student to write on of the following projects with a supervisor from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences:

  • Bachelor’s project
  • Project outside course scope
  • or master’s thesis

Please note that you need to add some important information about the supervisor and subject before your application can be processed.

In the electronic application form, you must include a document with the following information:

  • A confirmation from the supervisor agreeing to supervise your; the document must include name and the supervisor’s institute
  • Number of ECTS for the project
  • Preliminary title and subject
  • Pre-approval from the study board at your own study programme
  • Concerning theses: When you plan to start your thesis – either in September, November, February, or April.

Additionally, you will be asked to provide a course code. In most cases, you will not know the code in which case you mark that the code is unknown.

You can only enrol as a credit student in projects offered by the faculty. The faculty will register you for the most appropriate project based on the information you have supplied regarding title, supervisor, and size of the project.

Even though you have a preapproval from your own study board, you are not guaranteed a project at the faculty. The assessment will be based on an individual case basis.




Application deadline Pre-approval deadline
Courses in the autumn 1 June 15 August
Courses in the spring 1 December 15 January

3-steps to your application

  1. Apply for pre-approval from your own study board. If possible, you should submit your pre-approval together with your application, but you may submit it later through the form below.

  2. Apply for admission as a credit transfer student at the faculty through the forms below. 

  3. You can expect an answer to your application no later than six weeks after the application deadline.

It is not possible to apply after the deadline except for:

  • unusual circumstances of a serious nature, for instance, if you fall suddenly seriously ill.
  • or if your application for another course was rejected.

In these cases, you may apply for dispensation for passing the deadline. In the dispensation application you must describe your situation and provide documentation such as a medical certificate or the letter proving your course was rejected.

The following conditions does not provide grounds for dispensation:

  • missing the deadline
  • having forgotten the deadline
  • lacking knowledge of the deadline

Pre-approval of credit transfer

As a credit transfer student you need a pre-approval of credit transfer from your home  institution. The pre-approval is your confirmation that the course can be transferred to your degree.

You can apply for courses even if you have not received your pre-approval by the deadline:

  • UCPH students do not need to forward their pre-approval. We will contact your own faculty directly to hear if they pre-approved the course.
  • Students from other Danish universities can forward the pre-approval though the link below.

If we do not receive your pre-approval by the deadline, your enrolment will be cancelled. If you have questions about pre-approval, please contact your home institution.