10 things to prepare before submitting your application

1. Create an applicant profile

We recommend that you at an early point create an applicant profile on our application portal to explore the application form before you begin filling in information. Then you are familiar with the required information and in what format to prepare it. We recommend that you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to access the application portal.

2. Agreement with principal supervisor and primary co-supervisor

You must have a minimum of two supervisors attached to your project: A principal supervisor employed at the Faculty and a primary co-supervisor. The primary co-supervisor may be employed elsewhere, but please upload a CV including a list of publications. You are allowed to register more than one co-supervisor to your PhD project, if relevant. You must have a written agreement with your principal supervisor and your primary co-supervisor before you submit your application for enrolment. This is done via the application portal. Learn more about supervision during your PhD programme.

3. Funding of your PhD

You need to document that you have funding for payment of tuition fee. A  person must guarantee the full amount (3 x 50.000 DKK) and ensure payment details such as Alias or EAN number. You need a budget (your salary, project expenses etc.). If you have funding letters, please attach them to your application. Learn more about funding of your PhD.

4. Project description

The project description should be made in close cooperation with your principal supervisor. Please consider and prepare the following: project title, project description, references, research questions, applicant’s work, ethical considerations, risk assessment and alternative approaches/plans, project document (optional). The description must be minimum 3 pages.

5. Create a plan for your stay in another research environment

During your PhD programme, it is required that you altogether spend at least one month in other research teams, preferably abroad, in order to gain new knowledge and expand your network. More about change of research environment.

6. Time and activity schedule for your PhD

The schedule should reflect the entire enrolment period and include main research and educational activities. Each interval in the schedule should be six months or shorter (preferably like a Gantt Chart).

7. Courses

A PhD student must complete courses corresponding to a minimum of 28 ECTS and a maximum of 35 ECTS credits
Learn more about PhD courses.

8. Documentation of your qualifications

E.g. your CV and a complete list of your scientific publications (if any). Certified copies of degree certificates and exam diplomas (in Danish or English). The list must be issued by the university where you completed the courses/exams.

9. Graduate programme affiliation

During your PhD, you must be affiliated with a graduate programme. Learn more about the graduate programmes at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.

10. Approvals

Before you submit your application, you will be asked to obtain approvals from important stakeholders of your PhD project. This process is integrated into the application form. When you register contact information for your stakeholders in the form an email is sent directly from the application portal asking them to approve your PhD project.   

The persons mentioned below must approve of the PhD project. Please be aware that your enrolment application cannot be submitted before all approvals are obtained.

You must obtain approvals from: 


According to the PhD Order, all students must have their PhD plan approved no later than three months after enrolment. 

The Graduate School collects all information at once. This way, your PhD plan is approved at the time of enrolment, and you do not have to submit it later.