Funding and tuition fee

There are different ways to finance the PhD programme. Usually, one of the below options are used or a combination of them:

If you have questions regarding your employment, contact your employer for more information.

Tuition fee

All PhD students pay a tuition fee. The fee is 50,000 DKK per year, i.e. 150,000 DKK for three years and is not postponed during any absence from the three-year PhD programme such as maternity/paternity leave, other leaves of absence or long-term illness.

The first rate is paid at enrolment, the second rate is paid in the first quarter of the calendar year following enrolment, and the third rate is paid in the first quarter of the second calendar year following enrolment.

Tuition fee for all three years must be guaranteed when applying for enrolment.

The tuition fee covers:
  • PhD courses included in the Graduate School’s course catalogue
  • PhD courses at other Danish universities and to some extent courses from other providers in Denmark or abroad
  • Expenses regarding stays at other research environments in Denmark or abroad
  • Activities in the graduate programmes
  • Assessments and defence of your PhD thesis

Project-related expenses

Any operational and project-related expenses must be included in the budget plan. Project-related expenses could include congress participation, biostatistical assistance, PC, scientific literature, office space, access to laboratory facilities, etc.

Funding opportunities

Below you can find a list of suggestions for how to finance your PhD.

Please be aware that many of the funding possibilities have a deadline for when you must start the PhD enrolment and start using the grant/subsidy/funding.


Vacant PhD positions can be found in the university job portal.



Some of the Faculty's departments and research centres have research grants or similar and may be looking for candidates. You should also check the websites of the graduate programmes. The PhD positions will usually be posted on their website or in the University job portal



Sources of external funding for PhD scholarships can e.g. include the Capital Region of Denmark, the Danish National Research Foundation, the European Commission, Danida, private foundations, the Danish Research Councils and governmental research institutions.



Some companies, public administrations etc. may post PhD research positions that are not Industrial PhD positions. Go to the company job websites and other relevant job sites to find open positions.



You may complete a PhD based upon private funding completely. If you have the necessary financial means to complete three years of study, incl. tuition fees, salary and project expenses, this is a possibility.