Global Health Solutions



Global Health Solutions is instead offered as an extracurricular activity in September.

Read more on UCPH Lighthouse' website

This 2.5 ECTS summer course is for students who want to solve real-life global health challenges.

The University of Copenhagen’s innovation center, UCPH Lighthouse, will host this summer course where students from various disciplines participate in teams to come up with the best solution to a given challenge.

The summer course is open for all master-level and PhD students at the entire university as well as other educational institutions.

Stay tuned in early Spring for the announcement of cases and case providers.

This summer course is part of an international SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Summer School programme. The winning team will earn a spot at an international SDG competition on 26 September 2024 in Paris.



On-campus module 5 - 9 August 2024
Exam 16 August 2024

Credit points: 2.5 ECTS


The course is aimed at master's and PhD students. You can apply, if you have completed a bachelor's degree (or equivalent).

The course is aimed at students as well as professionals in all academic fields with an interest in global health and innovation.

You must be able to read and write English at a scientific level.

Selection process
After the application deadline the admissions committee will go through all the applications and select the course participants. Applicants are encouraged to put energy and care into the motivation-section of the online application, as this is the main selection criteria.

If you have not completed your bachelor degree on date of application, you must upload relevant documentation on how far you have reached in your studies at this point (credit wise etc.) as well as an account (signed by a Study Secretary or other authority) of how far you will have reached by summer, proving this is equivalent to a bachelor's degree.




Participants are requested to prepare individually online via lectures, readings and other resources. Some common resources will be made available, some should be identified and selected by the participants themselves to fill gaps.

On the first day on campus the case question is revealed and the teams begin their case work. The following three days will be devoted to group work to develop solutions and presentations supported by one-on-one coaching sessions on pitching underway. Also, resource persons will be available to give feedback to each team.

On the last day on-campus, the groups will pitch their solutions and receive feedback from a panel of examiners. Afterwards there will be a session where there will room for peer-to-peer comments and discussions as well as feedback from the examiners. Finally, to complete the course each participant is requested to produce a short reflection report to be submitted no later than one week after the course that will release the credits subject to approval.

For more details, please read the course description in UCPH's course database







The application deadline was 1 April 23:59 (CEST). Please note, that we do not accept late applications.

Upon submitting your application, you receive an e-mail receipt. Please keep this for future reference. Make sure to check your spam filter, if you do not receive the receipt.

You will receive the result of your application 3 - 4 weeks after the application deadline.

Note: If you have problems with the application form, please try a different browser, and make sure your files are not too large or the file names does not contain special characters.






You are exempted from payment, if:

You are enrolled at a Danish university and the course is part of your master's programme. Danish students must provide a pre-approval of credit transfer from their home institution upon application.

You are a student at UCPH enrolled in one of the following programmes, you do not need to apply for pre-approval of credit transfer:

  • MSc in Public Health Science
  • MSc in Global Health

You are an exchange student and attend the course as part of the autumn exchange semester (min. 3 months stay).

Fee-paying participants:

All other participants (students, PhD students, working professionals, etc.) must pay tuition fee according to the information below.

EU/EEA citizens 2,000 DKK
Non-EU/EEA citizens 3,125 DKK

The fee covers participation in the course. It does not cover course materials, travel, accommodation and living expenses during the course.

Full payment of course fees must be transferred in May. Payment details will be provided upon acceptance.

Refund policy

You can only get a refund of your tuition fee, if you cancel at least two month prior to the beginning of the course including e-learning modules.







If you have questions about the course content, please write to

Course director: Lasse Jensen

Course administration: Morten Mechlenborg Nørulf



Accommodation: Please note that the summer courses are non-residential. Participants are responsible for finding and funding accommodation during their stay in Copenhagen.

You can use different online portals to search for accommodation, such as:

Copenhagen has an international airport, and the city centre can be reached within 30 minutes. If you want additional information read Arriving in Copenhagen.

Please study our websites for more information about Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the University of Copenhagen.