22 November 2023

UCPH elections 2023 - Do you know the members of the PhD Study Board and what they do for you?

The members of the Study Board consist of representatives from the scientific staff and representatives from the PhD students. As a member you can get influence on how the PhD students are doing and how the conditions of the students can improve, 

Two of the members of the current board, PhD student and Vice Chair Vishalini Venkatesen and PhD student Nikoline Nygaard gives there view on the work of the board and why they think it is important.

Why are you a part of the Study Board?

I like my PhD-colleagues and wish to help improve their experience.

I am a part of the study board mainly for representing my fellow colleagues in Basic Medicine and bringing our suggestions to the board’s attention. This upholds the quality of the PhD program at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. 
I also see this as a great opportunity to improve my management skills.  

... opportunity to improve my management skillsation.

I like my PhD-colleagues and wish to help improve their experience in ways available to me. Thus, joining the PhD study board seemed a natural thing to do.


What does it mean to you to be part of the study board?

It is a responsibility to be aware and insightful to the issues faced by my fellow colleagues and be able to have a robust discussion with the board members to resolve it.

.....be able to sit in the “control room” of the SUND PhD mothership.....

I feel like being part of the study board is quite an honour, to be able to sit in the “control room” of the SUND PhD mothership is both an interesting insight into the complex organization that I’m a part of, and also provides the chance to put topics, which influence phd-students in their daily lives, on the agenda, with a potential for actual change on a system level. 

What kind of task do you solve in the study board?

The concerns discussed in the PhD board are very diverse, which includes the overall well-being of the PhD students, preparing teaching guidelines, reviewing the assessment criteria for PhD thesis, suggesting onboarding PhD courses, etc. On one of our board meeting we also discussed the legal use of ChatGPT in the course of one's PhD.

Why is it important to be part of the Board?

It is important to be a part of the board and contribute because, every small changes initiated by you makes a big difference in the end. 

.....the best chances we have as PhD-students to actively help shape the framework our PhD-worklife.

I hope my (future) fellow PhD-students will recognize this as well, and participate in the study board, as it is perhaps one of the best chances we have as PhD-students to actively help shape the framework our PhD-worklife.


Remember to vote before the 24 November and contact the secretaries at the board if you want to know more about being part of the PhD Study Board.

Learn more about the board
