PhD defence: Qing Gao

Singlet Oxygen Mediated Disulfides and Protein Oxidation

Assessment Committee:
Associate professor Ole Hartvig Mortensen (Chairperson)
Associate professor Adelina Rogowska-Wrzesinska
Professor Lars-Oliver Klotz

Professor Michael Jonathan Davies
Associate Professor Per Mårten Hägglund

Department of Biomedical Sciences

Graduate Programme:
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Virtual defence, please follow the link:
Meeting ID: 640 6293 2872
Password: 90697

Instructions: To attend the PhD defence, please follow the link and hereafter the instructions to download the required -client. If the -client is incompatible with your pc, smartphone etc. you can attend via an Internet browser. Log-in in due time before to allow time to install the -client.

As the defence is held as a digital defence, we kindly ask guests who do not have an active role in the defence to mute your microphones and leave your cameras turned off during the defence. Questions from the audience will be received through the chat function.

Ask for a copy of the thesis: