PhD defence: Nanna Skeltved

Development of Cancer Immunotherapies Targeting Oncofetal Chondroitin Sulfate

Assessment Committee:
Associate professor Martin Kongsbak-Wismann (Chairperson)
Professor Susanne Brix
Professor Maries van den Broek

Professor Morten Agertoug Nielsen
Professor Ali El-Salanti
Postdoc Mie Anemone Nordmaj

Department of Immunology and Microbiology

Graduate Programme:
Clinical Cancer Research

The defence is conducted as a hybrid defence.

To attend the digital defence, please follow the link:{"Tid":"a3927f91-cda1-4696-af89-8c9f1ceffa91","Oid":"3f5b20f8-3b96-4a39-82d3-92b82738f921"}
Meeting ID: 392 619 639 428
Password: SK9o3cT9

Instructions if you wish to attend the defence via the digital solution: Please follow the link and hereafter the instructions to download the required -client. If the -client is incompatible with your pc, smartphone etc. you can attend via an Internet browser. Log-in in due time before to allow time to install the -client.
The physical place of the defence: Panum, Room: Mini-auditorium 29.01.32, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N

Ask for a copy of the thesis: