PhD defence: Lasse Skjoldborg Krog

Investigating lipid mesophase transformations in the gastrointestinal environment using in situ spectroscopic techniques

Assessment Committee:
Associate professor Anan Yaghmur (Chairperson)
Associate professor Line Hagner Nielsen
Professor Claire Strachan

Professor Ben Boyd
Professor Vito Foderà

Department of Pharmacy

Graduate Programme:
Pharmaceutical Sciences

The defence is conducted as a hybrid defence.
To attend the digital defence, please follow the link: 
Meeting ID: 661 1782 0345
Password: aud4

Instructions if you wish to attend the defence via the digital solution: Please follow the link and hereafter the instructions to download the required -client. If the -client is incompatible with your pc, smartphone etc. you can attend via an Internet browser. Log-in in due time before to allow time to install the -client.

The physical place of the defence: 14, Room: Aud 4, Universitetsparken 2, 2100, København Ø

Ask for a copy of the thesis: