Study Board for the Professional Master's Programmes

The Study Board for the Professional Master's Programmes is responsible for the coordination of the professional master's programmes at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. The Study Board can pass resolutions on changing the contents of the programmes or grant exemptions from certain rules, and recommend it to the dean for approval.

The Study Board for the Professional Master's Programmes is also focused on ensuring the quality of the study programmes and will regularly consider evaluations, teaching processes and the over-all structure of the programmes, etc. The Study Board for the Professional Master's Programmes also decides on credits and exemptions.




Academic Staff

  • Associate professor, Lene Jørgensen (Chairman, Master of Medicines Regulatory Affairs)
  • Professor, Jesper Langgaard Kristensen (Master of Industrial Drug Development)
  • Study Assistant Professor Pernille Holst (Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science)
  • Associate professor My Catarina von Euler-Chelpin (Master of Public Health)
  • Associate professor Emmanuel Raju (Master of Disaster Management)
  • Professor Rigmor Jensen (Master of Headache Disorders)
  • Professor Jens Bo Nielsen (Master i Neurorehabilitering)
  • Professor Sisse Rye Ostrowski (Master of Personal Medicine)

Student representatives

  • Katharina Bucsits (Master of Disaster Management)
  • Louise Husted Feilberg (Master of Public Health)





  • Teaching assistant professor Pernille Holst (Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science)
  • Associate professor, Lene Jørgensen (Master of Industrial Drug Development and Master of Medicines Regulatory Affairs)
  • Associate professor My Catarina von Euler-Chelpin (Master of Public Health)
  • Associate professor Peter Furu (Master of Disaster Management)
  • Professor Rigmor Jensen (Master of Headache Disorders)
  • Professor Jens Bo Nielsen (Master i Neurorehabilitering)
  • Professor Sisse Rye Ostrowskin (Master of Personal Medicine)






  • 24 January
  • 11. april
  • 19. september
  • 21. november








Questions regarding your study programme can be placed by contacting Continuing Professional Education Secretariat at

Inquiries to the study board must go through the programme coordination team at

Information regarding exceptions or credit transfer can be found at the programme websites or by contacting Continuing Professional Education Secretariat at