Grant 2023.07.03 Research in mental health receives a huge boost With a significant grant of EUR 7 million, researchers aim to provide mental health prevention and promotion interventions for the European population.
cardiovascular disease 2023.06.29 Vegetables and legumes can prevent heart conditions A vegetarian or vegan diet can help prevent high cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the most frequent cause of death among people above the age of 50.
Mouth bacteria 2023.06.29 Bacteria from your mouth can end up in your brain. Now dentists at Rigshospitalet have to examine patients more often Bacteria in your mouth can cause diseases in other parts of the body. New research from the Department of Odontology at the University of Copenhagen helps change treatment procedures at Rigshospitalet.
Earth 2023.06.22 Earth was created faster than we thought. This makes the chance of other habitable planets in the Universe more likely Over the past decades, researchers thought Earth was created over a period of more than 100 million years. However, a new study from UCPH suggests that the creation of Earth was much more rapid, and that water and other…
KFJ Awards 2023.06.21 “Even if your initial strategy does not succeed, it is essential not to lose hope. Instead, seek alternative solutions" Two esteemed researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen have been awarded the prestigious KFJ Award. This honour, granted annually by the Kirsten and Freddy Johansens…
KFJ Awards 2023.06.21 “The beauty of research is that you’re trying to make a discovery that nobody else in the world has ever made before” Two researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen are honoured with the prestigious KFJ prize, which is awarded every year by the Kirsten and Freddy Johansen Foundation for…
Cancer 2023.06.20 Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes Insulin resistance is usually associated with type 2 diabetes. Now researchers have found it in cancer patients and learned that it can cause cancer to spread faster.
Award 2023.06.19 Brain scientist receives the Anders Jahre Award for discovering the brain’s cleaning system Professor Maiken Nedergaard receives the prestigious medical Anders Jahre Award 2023 for her ground-breaking brain research which has led to the discovery and description the brain’s cleaning system, the glymphatic…
Ancient migration 2023.06.15 Modern humans arrived in Southeast Asia 40,000 years earlier than we thought An international research team jointly lead by Globe Institute show one of the earliest modern humans migrations out of Africa.
The skin 2023.06.12 Memory killer cells could help improve survival for melanoma patients Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Karolinska Institutet have shown that people with better survival in melanoma also have high levels of such memory killer cells in cancer tissue.
Grants 2023.06.12 Two SUND researchers receive fellowship grants from the Lundbeck Foundation Two researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen receive a DKK 10 million research grant in 2023 from Lundbeckfonden.
Algorithms 2023.06.07 Danish supercomputer predicts who will develop deadly cancer New study shows how a supercomputer can predict people in high risk of developing the disease.
Grants 2023.06.01 SUND secures 36 grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen receives 36 grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF).
gut 2023.05.31 Why do some people live to be a 100? Intestinal bacteria may hold the answer Some people live longer than others – possibly due to a unique combination of bacteria in their intestines, new research from the University of Copenhagen concludes.
Grants 2023.05.31 Six SUND researchers get DKK 60 million to exciting projects Six researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences receive grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Climate 2023.05.30 Greenlandic glacial rock flour can help fight climate change The first experiments with glacial rock flour from Greenland show that it can capture significant amounts of CO2 and provide a wider array of nutrients than commercial organic fertilizers, resulting in improved crop…
Life style 2023.05.23 Need help to quit smoking? Known drug might help reduce nicotine cravings A drug that was originally developed to treat diabetes and severe overweight might also help people with nicotine dependence, concludes new research from the University of Copenhagen.
Postpartum depression 2023.05.17 Did hormonal birth control make you depressed? If so, you may be at higher risk of postpartum depression Postpartum depression can have great impact on maternal mental health and infant development. New research shows that a woman’s history of mental side effects to hormonal birth control, such as the contraceptive pill or…
Award 2023.05.01 Professor Ruth Loos awarded Obesity Prize for Excellence Professor Ruth Loos is the first recipient of the new Obesity Prize for Excellence established by the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The Prize is accompanied by DKK…
Grant 2023.04.26 New research centre is going to catch up on lost knowledge of human genes All life is based on a genetic process where genes are transcribed and translated into proteins. The Danish National Research Foundation has invested a large sum of money in a new research centre that will investigate…
Grant 2023.04.25 CBMR secures five-year funding extension from Novo Nordisk Foundation Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen is awarded up to DKK 1 billion (€134.2 million) from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.