Grant 2024.06.20 Younger researchers receive DFF-grants to explore their best ideas Assistant Professor Peter C. Petersen and Associate Professor Andreas Mæchel Fritzen each receive more than DKK 6 million for exploring some of their best ideas.
Immunotherapy 2024.06.20 Now we know why successful treatment does not affect specific cancer cells The cells of a rare, deadly cancer are resistant to immunotherapy. Now researchers may have found the cause, paving the way for a new type of treatment.
Grant 2024.06.12 500 million DKK to research in resilient crops and ecosystems New research project harnesses environmental DNA to understand how we can transform future cropping systems and to develop resilient crops in the face of climate change. The project is led by UCPH Professor Eske…
Research Centre 2024.06.07 New research centre on complex health issues Professor Naja Hulvej Rod will be heading a new research centre focussing on complex health issues. The Copenhagen Health Complexity Center has been made possible by a six-year grant of DKK 30 million from TrygFonden.
Grant 2024.06.04 DKK 80 million to eight SUND researchers Eight researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences receive grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The grants are awarded to researchers ranging from younger researchers establishing their own group and…
Grants 2024.05.23 DKK 36 million from DFF for Innovative Research Projects Six SUND researchers receive funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for groundbreaking research projects within areas such as antibiotic resistance, heart diseases, and gut bacteria.
Alzheimer's 2024.05.22 Naturally occurring substance in pomegranates can improve treatment of Alzheimer’s disease A substance naturally occurring in i.a. pomegranates, strawberries and walnuts can improve memory and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study conducted at the University of Copenhagen concludes.
Weight-loss 2024.05.15 The next generation of weight-loss medicine is on its way A groundbreaking paper in Nature describes a promising new therapy for obesity that leads to greater weight loss in mice than existing medications. The approach smuggles molecules into the brain's appetite centre and…
Grants 2024.05.14 Two SUND researchers receive fellowship grants from the Lundbeck Foundation Every year, the Lundbeck Foundation awards grants of DKK 10 million to researchers in so-called fellowships. Two researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen receive such a…
Proteins 2024.05.03 Bones from ancient humans unveils health of people in the Middle Ages An innovative approach opens avenues for studying immune responses in past populations. Could contribute to a broader understanding of human health throughout history.
Laughing gas 2024.04.23 Blood test can detect laughing gas and help the police fight dangerous tendency Forensic blood analysis can reveal whether drivers are high on laughing gas. Researchers hope the method can help the police.
Air pollution 2024.04.22 High air pollution in Denmark may impact children's academic performance Pollution from traffic, farming and wood stoves may have a negative effect on children’s cognitive development. So a new study of Danish students’ performance in the lower secondary school leaving examination suggests.
Dissemination Prize 2024.04.16 “I read the email several times to see if it was really true” The Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Research Dissemination Prize 2024 goes to Associate Professor Kristine Bohmann, who excels at communicating research and captivating the audience.
GRANTS 2024.04.11 Three SUND researchers receive prestigious ERC Advanced Grants Three researchers at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences receive the ERC Advanced Grants of EUR 2.5 million for innovative research over the next five years.
AWARD 2024.04.02 Maiken Nedergaard's glymphatic system research earns top scientific honor Professor Maiken Nedergaard at the University of Copenhagen is the recipient of the 2024 HFSP Nakasone Award, recognizing pioneering contributions to life sciences and neurology.
Grant 2024.03.27 What makes planets habitable? New grant will help researchers get answers Martin Schiller from Globe Institute has received an ERC grant of over DKK 14 million for his research into planets and the conditions that need to be present for life to emerge.
Green data 2024.03.26 Health data storage has a climate cost. In the future data may be stored in DNA A lot of energy is required to analyse and store large amounts of data. We may therefore have to take a different approach to data storage in the future. So says a professor Søren Brunak at the University of Copenhagen.
Green medicine 2024.03.26 Waste products could innovate pharmaceutical material design Research highlights the potential for utilizing molecules extracted from side stream products in food and oil industry in the context of pharmaceutical innovation, showcasing the power of interdisciplinary research in…
The brain 2024.03.26 New Imaging Method Illuminates Oxygen's Journey in the Brain Researchers can now observe in real time how oxygen moves around in the brains of mice. This could provide insights into diseases such as Alzheimer's, strokes, and heart attacks.
Data science 2024.03.22 DKK 11 million for developing synthetic health datasets A research project with researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University has received DKK 11.3 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to develop and test methods for creating synthetic health…
Forensic medicine 2024.03.15 "Signs of a crime are visible on the body years after it has been committed” Steen Holger Hansen has been in Ukraine together with a team of forensic technicians. Here he helped investigate war crimes that Vladimir Putin is accused of having committed.