Quality standards

The University of Copenhagen/UCPH has decided that all faculties must define standards for quality for a number of specific indicators.

The standards serve as a guideline. The programme managements must compare themselves with the standards in the systematic and ongoing assessment and development, ensuring the quality of the study programmes.

The standards must be part of the programme reports and programme evaluations made by each study programme. The head of studies and the study boards are responsible for drawing up the programme reports and programme evaluations. If some objectives deviate from the standards, the study board must decide whether there is need for correcting actions that could include further analyses of the matter in question. If a study board decides to initiate correcting actions, this must be described in the report or evaluation. The departments at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences must be actively involved in both the process and in selecting and implementing any possible correcting actions.

The standards can be found on HEALTH’s page on quality assurance on KUnet.