Faculty reporting on and standards for quality of education
This page contains information about the Faculty’s reporting on and standards for quality of education, including annual programme reports, the Dean’s annual report (DUR) and set parameters for quality of education.
Reporting on quality of education
Programme reports are drawn up once a year for all programmes at HEALTH. An extended report, a programme evaluation, is drawn up every six years.
The rotation scheme for programme evaluations and the most recent programme evaluations for all study programmes at HEALTH can be found on HEALTH’s page on quality assurance on KUnet
The programme reports and programme evaluations form the basis for the Dean’s annual Quality of Education Report, which is sent to Rector on 1 October each year. The Rector follows up on the report at a dialogue meeting about the quality of education between the rectorate and the faculty management.
Standards for quality of education
According to the UCPH guidelines, all faculties must define standards for a number of indicators of quality of education. The standards serve as guidelines. The programme managements can use these guidelines in the systematic and ongoing assessment, development and quality assurance of the study programmes.
The standards must be part of the programme reports and programme evaluations for the individual study programmes. The heads of studies and the study boards are responsible for drawing up the programme reports and programme evaluations. In case of deviation from the standards, the study board must decide whether there is need for correcting actions, which could include further analyses of the issue in question. If a study board decides to initiate correcting actions, this must be described in the report or evaluation. The departments at HEALTH must be actively involved in both the process and in selecting and implementing correcting actions, where relevant.
The indicators and standards can be found on HEALTH’s page on quality assurance on KUnet.