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Career Day for students at the faculty

Thank you for a great Career Day for students at the faculty
Thank you for a great Career Day 2024! And for giving the students at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences a chance to hear talks about career paths and meet companies and organizations in the bazaar to get an idea of future career possibilities.
Career Day at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is an opportunity for the students to learn more about what they can do after graduation. They will have the opportunity to hear exciting presentations about career paths within the different fields of study. Afterwards, they can meet a lot of companies from both the private and public sector, organizations and medical specialities who are ready at the stands in the career bazaar to tell more about their career opportunities.
Programme for Career Day 10 October 2024
Talks on career paths from 12.30
12.30-14.00 Career opportunities in Global Health (in English)
- Time: 12.30-14.00
- Place: Room 13-1-48, the Maersk Tower, level 1
- Welcome by the moderator Lena Skovgaard Hansen, Associate Professor, Director, School of Global Health
- Welcome Jane Brandt Sørensen, Associate Professor, Head of Studies MSc Global Health
- 12.40-12.50: World Diabetes Foundation Mikkel Pape Dysted, Programme Manager, Business & Strategy
- 12.50-13.00: United Nations Populations Fund Mette Ø. Strandlod, External Relations Associate
- 13.00-13.10: Euro Health Group Michele Gross, CEO, Euro Health Group
- 13.10-13.20: The Ministry of the Interior and Health, Section Global Health Christian Ulrich Eriksen, Special Consultant
- 13.20-13.30: PlanBørneFonden Iben Rasmine Østergaard Marcussen, Head of ECD-WASH & DRM and Juliette Élèonore Nicolaï, Research Assistant
- 13.30-13.40: Novo Nordisk Thomas Hilberg Rahbek, Global Project Lead, Cities for Better Health
- 13.40-14.00: Q&A with the presenters
12:30-14:00 Karriereveje og refleksioner - farmaci og farmaceutisk videnskab (in Danish)
Tid: 12.30-14.00
Sted: Nielsine Nielsen auditoriet, Mærsk Tårnet niveau 1, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Kbh N
- Velkomst og introduktion v. Tommy Nørskov Johansen, studieleder
- CMC Writer, Genmab v. Kasper Granby Larsen
- Johnson og Johnson v. Jaman Ahmad
- Novo Nordisk v. Sara Bohid
- Svane Apotek v. Niels Ipsen
- Paneldebat med oplægsholderne Moderator, Tommy Nørskov Johansen, studieleder
Du er velkommen til at møde oplægsholderne til en mere individuel dialog ved PharmaSchools stand efter sessionen.
12.30-14.00 Karriereveje for medicinere (in Danish)
- Tid: kl. 12.30-14.00
- Sted: Jerne auditoriet (Mærsk Tårnet niveau 1), Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Kbh N
- Velkomst og introduktion v. studieleder Torben Lykke Sørensen
- Almen Medicin v. Signe Nørgaard
- Forskning i kvinders sundhed v. Lone Schmidt
- Klinisk fysiologi og nuklearmedicin v. Ali Asmar
- Psykiatri v. Merete Nordentoft Geriatri v. Martin Schultz
- Plastikkirurgi v. Louise Bondo og Amalie Schramm
- Afslutning v. studieleder Torben Lykke Sørensen
12.30-14.00 Career opportunities for MPS and MedChem(in English)
- Time: 12 October 2023 from 12.30-14.00
- Place: Room 13-1-41, the Maersk Tower, level 1, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Kbh N
All talks in English
- 12.30-12.40: Welcome by Osman Mirza, Head of Studies
- 12.40-12.55: Daniela Paz Narváez Araya, Regulatory Professional, Novo Nordisk
- 12.55-13.10: Amrita Sankaranarayanan, Clinical Project Manager, Novo Nordisk
- 13.10-13.25: Kyrylo Fotesko, Senior Global Clinical Trial Manager, Novo Nordisk
- 13.25-13.40: Effimia Valavani, PhD Fellow, MedChem
- 13.40-14.00: Panel Debate
After the presentations you will be able to ask questions to the candidates and hear more about their career paths.
12.30-14.30 Karriereveje for folkesundhedsvidenskab (in Danish)
- Tid: 12.30-14.30
- Sted: Lundsgaard Auditoriet, Panum, bygning 8, hovedindgang fra Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 København N
- 12.30-12.45 Velkomst og overblik over ansættelsessteder og lønnings- og arbejdsforhold v. adjunkt og cand.scient.san.publ., ph.d. Mie Seest Dam
- 12.45-13.15 Relevante overvejelser ift. karrierevej v. Studievejledningen
- 13.15-13.30 Shannon Paludan, Analysekonsulent, Lægeforeningen i Afdelingen for Sundhedspolitik, Kommunikation og Analyse
- 13.40-13.55 Ruben Bjerregaard, Fuldmægtig, Statens Serum Institut, Sekretariatet for Biobank, Medfødte Sygdomme og Vaccineberedskab.
13.30-13.40 PAUSE
- 13.55-14.10 Mette Munch-Petersen, Patient Engagement Manager, Novo Nordisk, Patient Voice Teamet
- 14.10-14.25 Frederikke Qvist Matthiesen, rådgiver og projektleder, Lead Agency
- 14.25-14.30 Afslutning v. adjunkt Mie Seest Dam
14.00-15.00 Karrieremuligheder for tandlæger (in Danish)

- Tid: 14.00-15.00
- Sted: Dam Auditoriet - Karrieremuligheder for tandlæger, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Kbh N
- Velkomst og introduktion v. studieleder Merete Markvart
- Kæbekirurgi v. Morten Højte Dahl
- Tandlæge i forsvaret v. Jette Leisted Berthelsen
- Ph.d. v. Rasmus Søndenbroe
- Afslutning v. studieleder Merete Markvart
Updates will be made to the pragramme on an ongoing basis
Career basaar in the Maersk Tower foyer area and Vandrehallen
If you have questions, please reach out to us at