Recording footage at the faculty

You must always have an appointment if you want to take pictures or record videos at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.
You make an appointment via Communications by use of a video recording inquiry form (in Danish):
In the form you need to state:
- Date of recording
- Duration / length of recording session
- Where the recordings are to take place
- Contents of the recordings
- The project for which the recordings are to be used
- Involved contact person at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (if any), including name and contact information.
- Your contact information/company
Communications pond to inquiries about recordings within 3 working days.
Please contact us at if you have questions or need help to fill out the form.
Criteria for recordings at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
As a rule, there is always the opportunity for image coverage of media stories that deal with researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences or the faculty's activities, including research, innovation and education.
If - as part of the media coverage - the recordings take place in the faculty's common areas, an agreement must always be made with Communications, so that it can be assessed whether the recording can be carried out with regard to normal operations.
It also includes documentaries with the participation of one or more of the faculty's researchers.
The closer coordination takes place via the individual researcher or the institute or centre involved. This also includes an assessment of whether there are special local precautions.
Based on a specific assessment, it is possible to make recordings for series and films, if the series or film contains themes and activities that are closely linked to SUND's activities, including health science research, innovation and education.
The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences reserves the right not to permit filming if it is judged that the content of the series or film is incompatible with the faculty's values, has highly controversial content and will discredit the faculty's repute.
In addition, the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences reserves the right not to allow recordings if it inflict with normal operations.
When given the opportunity to record series or films, the administrative support required to complete the recordings must be paid for. In addition, rent will have to be paid for premises. See current price list (in Danish).
In principle, recordings are not allowed when used for commercial or political purposes, including e.g. use of recordings in leaflets and marketing material, posts on social media or on web.
Here, no distinction is made between whether the images are to be used externally or internally.
In case of questions, write to:
As a rule, drone footage over the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is possible.
The recordings presuppose that the drone driver has a drone licence and that the statutory liability insurance is in place.
In addition, the drone pilot must report his flight to the police and obtain other permits if the footage require so. For the area around Maersk Tower and Panum, for example permission need to be obtained from Blegdamsvejens Arrest and Rigshospitalet.
Consent and GDPR
It is at all times the responsibility of the external party to ensure written consent prior to recordings. As well as ensure that the material is stored or published in accordance with applicable personal data rules and regulations.