SUND secures 31 grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark
Every year, the Independent Research Fund Denmark DFF funds hundreds of research projects. The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences SUND at the University of Copenhagen receives 31 grants.

31 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences research projects receive funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark DFF. The grants come from the DFF Research Project 1 and DFF Research Project 2.
The researchers come from a wide range of institutions and centres at the faculty, including BMI, BRIC, CMP, CPR, CTN, GLOBE, ICMM, IF, IKM, IKV, ILF, IN, ISIM, IVH, and reNEW.
Read more about the grants and their recipients here.
Clare Louise Hawkins (BMI) - DKK 2,873,232
Morten Bækgaard Thomsen (BMI) – DKK 2,824,225
Anders Henrik Lund (BRIC) - DKK 2,863,996
Bjarne Winther Kristensen (BRIC) – DKK 2,863,200
Johan Krister Wennerberg (BRIC) – DKK 2,878,005
Kim Theilgaard-Mönch (BRIC) - DKK 2,878,409
Shohreh Issazadeh-Navikas (BRIC) – DKK 6,190,432
Anja Ramstedt Jensen (CMP) – DKK 2,043,399
Chuna Ram Choudhary (CPR) – DKK 2,879,892
Jesper Velgaard Olsen (CPR) – DKK 2,879,598
Michael Lund Nielsen (CPR) – DKK 2,686,794
Maiken Nedergaard (CTN) – DKK 2,879,999
Kasper Thorup (GLOBE) - DKK 2,874,192
Hans Heugh Wandall (ICMM) – DKK 2,875,594
Jesper Qualmann Svejstrup (ICMM) – DKK 2,875,592
Stine Harloff-Helleberg (IF) - DKK 2,862,170
Anja Bisgaard Pinborg (IKM) – DKK 2,880,000
Bo Torben Porse (IKM) - DKK 2,879,878
Betina Børresen (IKV) - DKK 2,866,223
Bente Flensborg Frølund (ILF) - DKK 2,869,543
Matthias Manfred Herth (ILF) - DKK 6,191,999
Andreas Toft Sørensen (IN) – DKK 2,879,979
Claire Francesca Meehan (IN) – DKK 2,879,908
Kenneth Lindegaard Madsen (IN) – DKK 2,861,155
Andrew Richard Williams (IVH) – DKK 2,877,238
Andrew Richard Williams (IVH) - DKK 2,877,109
Hanne Ingmer (IVH) - DKK 2,867,017
John Elmerdahl Olsen (IVH) - DKK 2,763,884
Kirstine Callø (IVH) - DKK 2,873,150
Lone Brøndsted (IVH) - DKK 6,177,403
Joshua Brickman (reNEW) – DKK 2,879,999