UCPH establishes new medical programme together with Region Zealand
Beginning in 2024, UCPH will be enrolling students in a new medical programme conducted together with Region Zealand. The programme can accommodate 110 new students a year, who will receive clinical training in the region’s hospitals. This will give future doctors the best chances of building a career in the region.

In continuation of the political agreement to relocate a large number of study places (in Danish), the University of Copenhagen and Region Zealand have established a new medical programme.
“We are proud to be able to help solve regional challenges – that is, the shortage of doctors in some areas. These past years, we have cooperated closely with Region Zealand on strengthening the training of master’s degree students in the region. With the new medical programme, we take a large step forward by ensuring that more than a hundred medical students per year group, beginning in 2024, will receive a large part of their training in Region Zealand,” says Dean at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Ulla Wewer.
The plan is to welcome 110 medical students to a new medical programme at the University of Copenhagen targeted specifically at Region Zealand. The programme will admit its first group of students in 2024, who will receive the majority of their clinical training in Region Zealand, in particular at the Zealand University Hospital (SUH) in Køge, whereas most of their bachelor programme activities will continue to take place at Panum in Copenhagen.
Both Region Zealand and the University of Copenhagen have focussed on quality of education in their efforts to identify activities which could, in a financially and academically sound way, be conducted outside Panum and the University of Copenhagen. The students in the new programme will receive high-quality training and have the best chances of subsequently building a career for themselves in Region Zealand and the rest of the country.
As part of the political agreement, a framework of DKK 10.1 million has been allocated to the University of Copenhagen for expenses in connection with launching the programme. In addition, the university will receive another DKK 4 million a year to cover operating costs.
Moving a larger share of the new medical programme to Region Zealand in the future will require strengthening the educational capacities at SUH, just as the hospitals in Region Zealand will require development, adjustment and maintenance to ensure that all medical areas of specialisation are sufficiently covered and of a high quality – in order to carry out research based education at the highest level.
In addition, such an expansion will require large investments in the physical facilities in Region Zealand, including the establishment of e.g. classrooms, laboratories and examination facilities.
Vice-Dean for Education Hans Henrik Saxild
+45 29 61 78 01