UCPH: BII Life Science Innovation Award 2024

The Pipeline Innovation team is hosting the UCPH: BII Life Science Innovation Award 2024 as a celebration of the innovative mind and entrepreneurial spirit of young life science researchers at UCPH.

Please fill out the application form below for your research project to be considered. A selection committee has been chosen to select the three best projects, who will get a chance to present their research at the SUND Innovation Day 21th of October. 

BioInnovation Institute has generously sponsored the prizes for the three winning projects.


Who: Master students, PhD students and Postdocs from the University of Copenhagen working within the field of Life Science. Applicants must be involved in the research project described in their application and have a prominent role in its development.

Application: The described research should aim to address an unmet need and have a clear societal impact. The work should try to challenge existing paradigms by employing novel and innovative methodologies or concepts, and/or by pursuing an original question. The project must be scientifically credible and there should be a considered plan for further commercialization. A signed approval from a supervisor or group leader must be uploaded with the application.


  • Application deadline: September 15 2024 before 21.00
  • Evaluation of applications: September 15 - October 2 2024
  • Pitch training for nominees: October 9 
  • Announcement of winners and celebration: October 21 at SUND Innovation Day 2024

Evaluation criteria:

  • Quality: The project is reliable, valid, credible, and scientifically rigorous. Moreover, the candidate is able to communicate the project clearly and convincingly.
  • Impact: The work should seek to address an unmet need and have a clear societal impact. The work should challenge existing paradigms, employ innovative methodologies or concepts, and/or pursue an original question.
  • Feasibility: The proposed plan to further commercialization of the project is well-thought, relevant and convincing.

Selection Committee:

  • Kristian Strømgaard, Professor at UCPH and co-founder and CEO of Avilex Pharma
  • Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, Viceinstitutleder at IKM and Innovation Working Group member.
  • Zach Gerhart-Hines, Associate Professor at CMBR and Innovation Working Group member
  • Markus Herrgård, CTO, Science & Tech, BII


The three winning projects will be awarded prizes to support the future development of the project. All prizes are sponsored by the BioInnovation Institute.

1st prize: 25.000 DKK

2nd prize: 15.000 DKK

3rd prize: 10.000 DKK

Fields marked with * are required.

This box is to be filled, if you are more than one person writing the application. All persons must have a prominent role on the project.
This box is to be filled, if you are more than one person writing the application. All persons must have a prominent role on the project.
Provide a clear and convincing description of your research project, the scientific background and stage of the project. 400 words.
Describe the commercial potential and societal impact: How the project addresses an unmet need and have a clear societal impact. How it challenges existing paradigms or employs innovative methodologies/concepts, and/or pursues an original question. 300 words.
300 words.
Gennemse Upload CV. If there are more person applying, please combine CV's in a PDF.